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Selectmen's Minutes - March 24, 1992
March 24, 1992          Present:        James Haggerty, Chairman
                                                Judith Murdoch
                                                Robert Andrews
                                                Warren Ellis

Announced that the Board met in emergency session 3-22-92 at 1:15 p.m. to vote snow emergency.  Read letter of request from Highway Surveyor Richard Harris and read motion by Murdoch, 2nd Andrews that Board vote snow emergency to be in existance per chap. 44, s. 31d, 3-0 vote.  Present Andrews, Crowley, Murdoch.  Haggerty and Ellis not in attendance.

Also read letter from Superintendent of Schools commending Officers Andrews and Gredler for their quick response and professionalism in apprehending three suspects during a break-in at the schools.  He also commended custodian Jack Sweeney for his assistance in this matter.  Motion made by Murdoch, 2nd Ellis to submit a copy of Superintendent's letter for each officer's file.  4-0 vote.  

Read letter into records regarding State's approval of redistricting as structured by Town Clerk and Registrars.  

Chairman letter into file from Town resident Melia re Police Chief Search Process and announcing his withdrawal from consideration by the Board of Selectmen.  The Chairman also read letter from MMA in response to a request concerning a second assessment process for one candidate.  Mark Morse indicated in his letter that because the assessment center was geared specifically towards Hanson, it would not be appropriate to put a candidate through another assessment which would be tailored towards a different community.  He also stated that at this time there were no assessment centers being scheduled in Mass.  

Mr. Haggerty announced that nomination papers were available through the Town Clerk Thursday and have to be returned by Monday, the 30th.  

The Board met with Continental Cable and discussed their request for reduction of performance bond.  The Chairman provided an overview of the request and introduced Paul Taber, Chairman of Cable Committee to answer some questions.  On behalf of member Bob Crowley, the Chairman asked Mr. Taber to explain the status of the Cable Studio in Hanson vs. the van issue.  And also whether or not the Town of Hanson is being adequately serviced within the Cable studio itself.  Paul Taber responded by stating in lieu of a studio in the Town, some time ago the Town negotiated for a mobile van and equipment.  However parts of those negotiations have never been finalized and there is still some equipment needed.  Paul stated that by using the cable studio in combination witt Whitman, although some of the Hanson equipment may be dated, we have been given access to alot more equipment and capability than if we had our own.  The Board recognized Richard Donohue, Gen. Mgr. of Continatental Cablevision,  Mr. Donahue stated re the van issue, after 5 years, unable to provide a studio, the town negotiated the use of the mobile van.  Although the van has been in use, he realizes there are still some issues unresolved through negotiations.  One particular issue was the use of either a portable generator to provide AC power in order to broadcast or provide cable benefits away from electrical circuit   Mr. Donahue also stated that he felt one of the issues had to do with the bond reduction, not necessarily those other issues being discussed and he stated according to the bond and the contract the cable company had completed 95% of the work and was entitled to the reduction per the request.  The Chairman however pointd out that Aetna's bond talked about the cable franchise which in his opinion encompassed the whole contract and he felt these issues were relavent to the conversation.  Mr. Haggerty asked Mr. Donahue if he would meet with the Cable Company to resolve the issues and report back to the Selectmen and the Board would vote on his request.  Mr. Andrews asked whether the cable co. had permission to extend cable over the town line to service properties in another town where they did not have a contract.  Mr. Donahue staed quite often there are reciprocal agreements between companies due to locations and servicing capabilities whereby residents of one town may be seviced through another town due to their location.  Mr. Donahue stated would try to resolve these issues during the next month with the cable committee and would come back to the Board.  

Mr. Haggerty introduced Finance committee.  Mr. Vaitkus made a presentation re the draft policy positon of the Fin. Com.   He discussed revenue projections and stated Fin. Com. working very closely with Town Accountant and thanked her for the time she had put in to address FY93 forecasts.  He also stated Fin. Com. had listed in order of priority their commitments during the budget process and he said would welcome input from the public, town agencies or boards and to keep in mind only draft list of priorities.  He talked about first covering fixed costs and previous commitments, utilities, group insurance, etc.   Fin. Com. has to acknowledge override vote, library, busing at least at fy92 levels.  Felt strongly would recommend salary increases for those that deferred for 92, and felt they wish to maintain sevices at least at 92 levels.  While addressing shorfalls in fy92 re police fire, veterans, utilities, etc.  Also recommending reasonable salary increases for all employees in fy93  Would like to support budget increases prioritized by need.  Wish to support reinstating wages for elected officials.  Finally last two items, reinstate funding for recreation, Memorial Field, and supporting capital improvements.  Other considerations wish to encourage consolidations of services and they feel overall school budget due to regionalizaiton should be less than level funded of both budgets last year, however, they would not be able to recommend exact amounts at this time. Finally they felt strongly that contingency override recommendations should be avoided at Town Meeting and the Town should look to put money into stabilization fund if possible.  

Chairman thanked them for their presentation and asked Board for comments.  Mrs. Murdoch commented on regional school budget stating that she hoped due to regionalization that there would be a strong commitment to education.  Before looking to cut the school budgets we should make sure the education levels are adequate since, as she expressed, the schools have been cut the last ten years.  Mr. Andrews stated he hoped the Fin. Com. would continue to look at all Town budgets giving strong consideration to basic services such as Police, Fire, and roads he felt where just as important as the education issues.  Mr. Ellis stated his concerns had been addressed by the previous speakers and thanked the Fin. Com. for their efforts they put forth and hoped dialogue would continue through the process.  Mr. Haggerty stated for the first time in many years he has been able to sit and be comfortable talking about decisions for budgets and talking aout level funding in the same area as in the past.  He stated in comparison to other towns, surrounding the Town, Hanson is in good shape and although he agreed with Mrs. Murdoch about the school budget, there has to be a balance between Whitman's contribution and Hanson's contribution into the region and also the regional budget in context with the whole town budget.  He hopes that the committees can meet again over the next month to devleop a joint philosophy as well as refine the forecast.  Mr. Haggerty stated Board again, as was done in October, will also put together a recommendation sheet on each article to share with the Town's people and although the Fin. Com. will have its recommendations, he hopes the two committees can agree on most issues.  The Chairman of the Fin. Com., John Currie, addresed the Fin. Com. priority list and thanked the Board for their input.  He again requested citizens, Board and committees to respond by attending meetings, or by letter or phone call.  He stated tht he hoped the Fin. Com. and Board of Selectmen would provide the same leadership that has been ongoing over the last year and one half.  After a brief discussion re schedules, the Board and Fin. Com. agreed to meet Sat, April 11 at 10:30 in the Town Hall.  

Board agreed to interview the Police Chief candidates on April 4, 1992 at 1 and 3 respectively.  Mr. Haggerty stated applicants should be contacted alphabetically.  He asked they be phoned and registered letter sent.  

At 8 p.m. Board voted to close warrant.  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd Ellis, 4-0 vote.  Noted 21 articles. Articles to be reviewed at next meeting.  

Board discussed with Carole McCormack the Safety Committee.  After Exec. Sec. read recommended makeup and job description of Safety Oficer, The Board commented on their concerns.  The Chairman and Mr. Andrews felt strongly that safety committee should include diverse group of employees and not just management people.  Mr. Ellis and Mrs. Murdoch felt that the Committee as recommended should stand since the committee was dealing with management issues and creating safety procedures and policies.  After some discussion on the matter, it was agreed Mrs. McCormack would return to the comittee with the reocmmendation that may either expand the committee or include several town employees at various levels.  Mr. Andrews also made mention of police safety officer and asked if he was involved in the process.  Mrs. McCormack asked if Board wished to make any change in the request that T/C be Chairman and Safety officer.  The Board stated not at this time, it would be discussed later.  

The Board decided to delay PIC contract for one week.  

Board voted to reappoint Ann O'Brien Registrar of Voters for a term of three years.  Mr. Andrews moved, 2ndMurdoch, 4-0 vote.

Mrs. Murdoch moved, 2nd Andrews, to appoint Bernard DeLory as Dog Officer.

Board voted to accept minutes of Feb. 4, with corrections.  Mr. Ellis moved, 2nd Murodch, 4-0 vote.

Agreed to hold minutes of 3rd, 10th and 17th until reviewed by Mr. Crowley.  

Voted to accept resignation of Ann Budd from Recreation Commission with regret. Moved by Andrews, 2nd Murdoch, 4-0 vote.

Board voted to hold Police Chief interviews on April 4.  Motion by Murdch, 2nd Ellis, 4-0 vote.  

Exec. Sec. requested exec. session #3 litagation.  Mrs. Murdoch moved, 2 Ellis, roll call 4-0.

Motion to adjourn by Murdoch, 2nd Andrews, 4-0 vote.  9:00 p.m.
